What is rhinoplasty?

Nose surgery, also called rhinoplasty, is performed to help balance and harmonize facial features. When the nose suffers from imperfections in the bridge, tip, or nostrils, it can divert the gaze from the smile and the eyes. Rhinoplasty results in an aesthetically pleasing nose that doesn’t draw attention to itself. 

Dr. Banerji works hard to preserve your unique essence and attractiveness while minimizing the flaws that impede your self-confidence. His precision, artistry, and expertise guide every procedure, ensuring a natural-looking, elegant outcome.

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What is the difference between open and closed rhinoplasty?

Dr. Banerji can perform either open or closed rhinoplasty, depending on the extent of the changes you require. He will discuss the pros and cons of each choice with you in detail during your private consultation.

During open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made at the base of the nose (the columella). This allows the surgeon to lift the nasal skin, revealing the inner structures of the nose. The open approach is ideal for clients who need improvement in both form and function.

During closed rhinoplasty, incisions are created within the nostrils, where they are unseen. Dr. Banerji can adjust the tip, nostrils, or bridge in this manner, although his access will be somewhat limited.

How is rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty is typically performed using general anesthesia, but local anesthesia with sedation may also be an option for certain patients. Either way, you will be completely comfortable and at ease during your treatment.

After creating an incision either at the columella or within the nostrils, Dr. Banerji will remove excess cartilage, bone, skin, and tissue to sculpt a more aesthetically pleasing nasal shape. He is careful never to over or under-operate. Over-removing bone or cartilage could result in breathing difficulties down the line while under-operating will leave the patient feeling like their goals were not achieved. Dr. Banerji’s years of expertise in nose surgery ensure he is able to perfectly customize your procedure to your wishes.

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What are the benefits of rhinoplasty?

  • Creates a more proportionate, balanced nose
  • Corrects asymmetry and crookedness
  • Refines the nasal tip, bridge, and nostrils
  • Improves breathing
  • Enhances beauty and attractiveness
  • Boosts self-image and self-confidence
  • Natural-looking outcome
  • Long-lasting results
  • Can be well-paired with blepharoplasty or a brow lift

Who is a good candidate for nose surgery in Houston, TX?

Rhinoplasty can be performed on patients of all ages as long as they are physically healthy and do not suffer from any serious medical conditions that might interfere with their treatment. For teenagers, it’s important that the nose has finished growing. This occurs around 15 for girls and around 18 for boys.

Rhinoplasty can help accomplish the following goals:

  • Improve the size, shape, or projection of the nose
  • Correct a deviated septum or other structural abnormality
  • Enhance breathing
  • Smooth and reshape a prominent hump
  • Revise a bulbous or low-hanging tip
  • Improve the appearance of the nostrils
  • Boost your satisfaction with your appearance
  • Enhance your overall quality of life

It’s essential that patients have realistic expectations for their results. Rhinoplasty can help improve your appearance, but it cannot make you look like a celebrity or a different individual altogether. Patients should be pursuing rhinoplasty for themselves and not to please others or society at large. Dr. Banerji will explain your options for nasal improvement to you during your confidential consultation in Houston, TX.

What will my recovery entail?

After rhinoplasty, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the nasal region. These symptoms can be well-controlled with oral pain medications prescribed by Dr. Banerji. You will need to keep your head elevated at first, even when sleeping.

Most patients can expect to return to work and other normal activities within around 10 days after surgery. However, it’s important that you avoid strenuous activities for 3-6 weeks. Dr. Banerji will provide you with a detailed aftercare plan that goes over a timeline for showering, sleeping, returning to exercise, and resuming work.

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Why choose Dr. Banerji?

Dr. Banerji is a native Texan who has built a reputation for compassionate care and exquisite results in a state-of-the-art practice setting. After receiving his Medical Doctorate from Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Banerji completed a demanding 5-year residency in General Surgery at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in El Paso. He continued to hone his skills and artistry with an elite residency in Plastic Surgery at Houston Methodist Hospital. During this time, he mastered the cutting-edge surgical techniques that serve him today as a consummate authority on procedures for the breasts, face, and body.

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Dr. Soumo Banerji

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