What Does Jawline Contouring Entail?

You are a unique individual in every way, including how early in life your skin ages and how your body stores fat. You may have developed excess fat along the jawline and beneath your chin. Imagine being free of a double chin and having a firmly defined jawline! Your youthful, fresh beauty can shine!

Jawline Liposuction

Modern liposuction is far superior to older methods. Very gentle techniques allow for precision extraction of any excess fat stored along your jawline and beneath your chin. This custom procedure creates a remarkable change in your overall facial look and has become one of our signature procedures at Banerji Plastic Surgery, or as we like to say, “The Banerji Way.” We help our patients feel more confident and attractive with this customized jawline contouring procedure.

Slim Away Excess Facial Fat with Our Jawline Contouring Treatment

If you are one of the countless people who dream of how they would appear without excess facial fat, you have come to the right place! Our jawline contouring procedure is geared to slim away excess facial fat lying along the jawline and under the chin, creating a more sculpted, appealing look by highlighting your beautiful natural features. The result is subtle but dramatic – you will look as if you weigh less, and your natural facial structure is revealed in a lovely, very natural way. By adding non-surgical skin tightening with FaceTite, or another aesthetic treatment, your look can be even further enhanced.

Jawline Contouring Before & After Photos

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What Can Jawline Contouring Do for My Look?

If you are tired of living with any of these aesthetic issues, jawline contouring may be ideal for you:

  • Sagging jowls that camouflage the jawline
  • Fatty deposits along the jawline
  • Under-chin fat (double chin)
  • A chin that slopes onto the neck, hiding your jawline

Your Procedure

Customized to Bring Out Your Natural Beauty

Your jawline contouring procedure will be customized just for you. Some people achieve beautiful results by adding volume to a receding chin structure with dermal filler or a chin implant, while others need only to remove excess fat to look healthier, younger, and experience higher levels of confidence. What’s right for you? A jawline contouring treatment can be crafted to remove excess fat, treat a receding chin, add or remove volume, and make a double chin just a dim memory. Dr. Banerji is known for being meticulous in every procedure and for his focus on ensuring his patients are thrilled with the results.

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Enhance Your Look with an Elegant Profile

A defined jawline is universally recognized as a beautiful facial feature – but we are not all blessed with it due to aging or genetics. You have the right to feel confident in your appearance, and if you want a more sculpted, refined jawline and upper neck, we are here to help with a custom treatment that brings out the best in your natural features.

Why Choose Us?

When under the care of Dr. Banerji and his team, you can expect an experience that is warm, friendly and focused on you. Dr. Banerji is a young, talented, board-certified plastic surgeon who has gained his peers' respect and his patients' loyalty through the extraordinary results he achieves time and time again.

We believe that every person we treat deserves our best work. When performing jawline contouring, we create a slimmer, contoured jawline that brings out your natural beauty in the best possible way. Meet with us to find out more about this groundbreaking facial enhancement treatment.

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